Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Hola for the DHs!

I'm not sure what DH stands for but I see if everywhere representing your spouse. So I wanted to give a shout out for mine. I have a great husband! Mechelle Stone once told me to say something positive about your spouse, too your spouse everyday....I don't think I've hung onto everyday, but when she first mentioned it I realized I probably wasn't doing that once a week. So I think it does good things not just for him but for me. It works even better if I'm saying something nice about him to the kids with him present. Also, in general this week I wrote on my fridge "BE GRATEFUL". Life is not perfect but it's amazing how many comforts we enjoy and worries we don't have to worry about. I'm trying to keep that outlook!


The Miller Family said...

I believe the "D" stands for Dear...Dear Husband (DH), Dear Son (DS), Dear Daughter (DD), Dear Boyfriend (DBF)...and so on and so forth.

And I'm so there with you on the being grateful! I've re-dedicated myself to trying to find the "good" in everything, even my trials. It's amazing the change that can come about by simply changing your attitude!

Janet said...

Love this one. Sometimes hubbies get pushed to the back burner when it comes to praise and affection. The kids tend to get most of it. Thanks for the reminder.