Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Too many towels in the bathroom floor?

Once you young moms have more puppies (or babies or whatever) the towel mountains in the bathroom floor or the towel collections in the bedrooms will grow! Some years ago when all 7 of mine were home the towel moutains got totally out of hand. (Five of them are still here and we are still battling this problem!) It occurred to me one day that if we just put an extra shower curtain rod up in front of the one that holds the shower curtain, we could keep more towels UP and kids wouldn't be pulling down everyone's towel from the single rod when they pulled the shower curtain back and forth. It worked really well! We also had my mom put her computerized mammoth sewing machine to use to embroider first names on towel sets for everyone in our family. That way, there was no fighting over which towel belonged to someone. Our towels are very worn now... I think it's time for replacements! Hmmm.. good Christmas present!

1 comment:

The Miller Family said...

I never would've thought of putting another rod up in front! I LOVE this idea!